
After struggling with my weight through years of infertility treatments that kicked my thyroid’s butt, I started doing a combination of low carb paleo and keto. Basically, I am a paleo person who loves cheese. I was able to lose weight on regular paleo, but I fell off the wagon much more often than I would have liked because the options sometimes felt too limiting. Since adding dairy to the mix, I find that it is quite simple to stick with the plan without cravings. Since starting the low carb lifestyle, I am able to have loads of energy (even working out in a fasted state very effectively). The other really amazing benefit is that it has totally curbed my appetite. Obviously, this makes it much easier to stay within my calorie goals and keeps me from really focusing on wanting anything that I cannot have.

Since starting this way of eating, my blood work has been amazing, and I have been able to feel energized while adding muscle and burning fat.


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One thought on “About

  1. Great adjustment to a keto/paleo eating plan. It does help in many ways and I recommend it to help people get started on a weight loss journey if that is their goal. I do like the recipes you share because they are fast and do the job. To many recipes involve so many steps that people just give up. Any Cheese is an important part of my eating, extra sharp cheddar being the leader of the pack. Keep up the great progress.


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